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2022 Love Horoscope for Every Zodiac Sign

2022 Love Horoscope for Every Zodiac Sign

Hello 2022! 

We’re excited to welcome a brand new year! It’s 365 new opportunities to add more love to your life–self-love, romantic love, family love, platonic love. What do you need more of this year? What’s coming your way? Find out our 2022 zodiac love forecast:

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Fiery Aries is always up for a fight, but a new year brings a new calm. With it comes an overwhelming desire to be alone, especially if the company isn't ideal. You're ready to rid yourself of the people and believes that you've outgrown. How else can you make space in your heart and mind for something new and beautiful?

SINGLE? Surround yourself with people who make you feel good. Focus on forming lasting friendships. You never know what may blossom.

ATTACHED? Even if you're in a relationship, you still crave that alone time. Set boundaries with an overly attentive partner.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

This year is full of surprises for Taurus. You'll meet, or re-connect with, a lot of interesting people. Among them is a lasting bond but you may not expect who it's with. You may see current relationships as they truly are, even if it uncovers some hard truths.  

SINGLE? A potential reunion with someone from afar. You'll make a connection built on shared values.

ATTACHED? Embark on an adventure together. Travel, take a class, share a hobby. Strengthen your relationship with fun experiences.

Gemini (May 21–June 21)

Reevaluate your relationships. Are you spending your time and energy on someone simply because you don't want to be alone? It's time to practice getting comfortable in your own company. Even in a relationship, solo time is essential. 

SINGLE? You deserve to get what you want, but you're going to have to be very direct about it. Make things happen for yourself.

ATTACHED? You're feeling extra flirty. It's ok to amp up your sexy side and express your sensuality, but watch out for a jealous partner. 

Cancer (June 22–July 22)

You give a lot in your relationships. Now it's your turn to be a little greedy. You've got a need to express yourself, especially in the bedroom. When the opportunity arises, get dressed up and go out. You'll meet someone new and important. 

SINGLE? There could be a soulmate connection on the horizon for you, but you need to decide if you're ready to commit. 

ATTACHED? In a solid relationship? You'll be ready to take the next step. 

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Prepare for passion this year. Leo is on the prowl for love and adventure. Don't let distance get in the way. The right romance will overcome obstacles. Just stay true to yourself and you'll make the right decisions.

SINGLE? Wild and passionate adventures could lead right to the person you're destined to meet.

ATTACHED? Do something to surprise them. There are surprises ahead for you.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

This is Virgo's year to be lucky in love. You've got a newfound trust in your heart over your head and it'll lead you in the right direction. Take chances and meet new people. Existing bonds will strengthen with more ease than ever.

SINGLE? Take chances. An unexpected connection could be the spark you're looking for.

ATTACHED? You're going places together. Nurture each other and allow time for yourself.

Libra (September 23–October 23)

Your big love in 2022 is yourself. Accept yourself and show yourself some love. Break free of relationships that don't serve you. You'll be able to see clearly who in your life if worth your time and energy.

SINGLE? Your standards are at an all-time high and that's OK! Hold out for what you want and you'll find a lasting relationship.

ATTACHED? It's time to commit, whatever that means for you. You're a solid pair ready to grow together. 

Scorpio (October 24–November 21)

Start your year by de-cluttering your mind. Stop making space for people who don't deserve you. Put yourself first, especially your erotic desires, and expect an action-packed love life.

SINGLE? Something casual might develop into commitment and you're ready for it.

ATTACHED? Try not to lose yourself in your relationship. Make time for personal growth. Stagnant lovers may get a shake-up.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Make more time for personal relationships in 2022.    Leave work at work and try to be fully engaged in your loved ones. A difficult experience or loss may help you bond with someone new, or rebuild a lost relationship. Allow room for second chances.

SINGLE? An old flame may reignite. Make a move or you'll miss the opportunity.

ATTACHED? Speak up or get stuck. Express your desires to your partner and let your relationship flourish.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Love starts within. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. This inner kindness will melt your icy exterior and let new relationships bloom.  

SINGLE? Be cautious before committing. You may have some unfinished business to handle before you can move on.

ATTACHED? It's even more important to let your guard down if you're already in a committed relationship. Sharing your feelings doesn’t just free your soul, it builds trust.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

There's a lot you want to get done this year but the journey is more important than the end result. Don't get so hung up on the progress that you forget to enjoy life. You might miss the chance to meet a truly special person.

SINGLE? Romance may not happen by chance. Make time to put yourself out there and meet someone new. 

ATTACHED? Romance won't be spontaneous in relationships either. Schedule one-on-one time.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Romantic dreams become reality in 2022. Always the doting partner, you're finally the one who gets all the attention. Open your heart to someone who loves your most authentic self but don't rush anything.

SINGLE? Your forecast calls for honest, genuine love. It's worth being alone until you find it, as long as you stay open to its possibility. 

ATTACHED? Be more open with each other. Look for opportunities to share, learn and grow as a couple. 

These horoscopes just scrape the surface of what the stars say about 2022. If you want a personalized love horoscope, a professional astrologer can create an accurate forecast that includes timing and compatibility. 

Start the new year off right and treat yourself to a complete love astrology reading.

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