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Why should I try a psychic call?

Why Should I Try a Psychic Call?

Nowadays, we text so much it's no surprise some people feel awkward about making a phone call. 

Those people are missing out.

Texting is a great way to get an online psychic reading, but a voice call is the perfect complement to make that reading profoundly in-depth.

Why do we love calling?

Calling creates an incredible connection with the person on the other end of the line. 

We see a ton of positive feedback from customers after voice-to-voice sessions. This feedback tells us that people feel a significantly closer bond with their favorite advisor after a call reading. If you’ve texted with that advisor numerous times, try a call to build an even deeper connection.

Just think about calling a friend or loved one. You might be a little nervous to pick up the phone, but once you start talking, it feels totally natural. It becomes easier to let your thoughts and feelings flow when you don’t have to worry about your typing skills. 

Your voice can tell a lot about you 

Your voice says things your texts don’t. Not only is your voice 100% unique, but it can also carry unexpected information. Discover insights into your personality, subconscious anxieties, how others perceive you, and more.

Ask your advisor what hidden things can be detected just by listening to your voice.

It’s not as awkward as you think

That awkwardness you're feeling? You might be nervous and that's OK. We’re not all used to making phone calls on a regular basis so it’s normal to have some calling anxiety.

If you’re not sure how to approach a call reading, let the advisor lead. The advisors on our platform are experienced professionals and they're happy to guide you through a session.

Tips for the best call reading

  • Spend at least 10-15 minutes with your advisor. They need time to do their work. A legit professional won’t waste your time but they do need your patience.
  • Every reading is deeply personalized. It’s OK to ask up front how long the advisor needs for a reading so you know if you’ve got the time and the funds.
  • Write your questions down in advance so you can make sure you talk about every topic that interests you.
  • To avoid connection issues, make sure your mobile phone is fully charged and connected to wi-fi. FYI, “Low Power” mode may also affect the connection quality. 

This month, every advisor is offering calls and chats at the same price

If your favorite advisor isn’t offering the same prices for both, contact our customer service team and we'll sort it out for you.