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Pop Culture Podcast | Johnny Depp & Amber Heard

Pop Culture Podcast | Johnny Depp & Amber Heard

Want to learn more from your favorite celebs than style tips? 

Celebrities are just like us. They go through ups and downs in their relationships, careers, and lives in general. But they go through it in the public eye. 

Listen to Pop Culture Life Lessons, where we talk to the expert advisors on our platform about celebrities, their problems, and what you can learn from it all.

In this episode, host Jess was joined by Astrid (aka Love Star Psychic) to discuss a topic inspired by Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: toxic relationships!

👂 Listen to the full episode here

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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are together. Behind are paparazzi.

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard

If you didn’t know much about Johnny & Amber before this year, you probably got familiar with them during their defamation trial (maybe more familiar than you ever thought you would).

Here’s a quick recap of their relationship:

2009 - Johnny and Amber make a movie together.

2012 - They start dating after Johnny splits with his long-time partner.

2014 - They get engaged.

2015 - They get married and soon after we hear rumors of problems, specifically a situation where Johnny injures his hand allegedly during an argument with Amber. 

2016 - Amber files for divorce, plus a temporary restraining order against Johnny (reportedly there are photos of her with a bruised face she says Johnny caused), but she ends up retracting these allegations. Eventually, they reach a $7 million divorce settlement and release a statement together, saying the relationship was “intensely passionate and at times volatile,” but “always bound by love.” 

Pop culture life lessons. Kim K. & Pete. With special guest advisor Francesca. Listen now!
Click hear to listen.

2018 - She writes an op-ed for the Washington Post about domestic violence. She doesn’t mention Johnny by name but people believe it’s about him.  

2019 - Johnny files a $50 million defamation lawsuit against Amber over the op-ed claiming he lost work because of it. His lawyers also suggest that Heard was the aggressor in the relationship.

2022 - The defamation trial begins. It’s televised and there’s a ton of media coverage so it’s been easy to learn all the nitty gritty details about this couple’s relationship. On June 1, 2022, it was announced that the jury found Heard guilty of defamation by Johnny Depp.

Most of us can’t relate to the private jets, the different homes in different cities, personal staff at our beck and call, and all that celebrity stuff. But there is a lot that happened between Johnny and Amber that is relatable. 

Click here to listen to the full podcast and hear Astrid’s advice about toxic relationships (like the warning signs and how to get out for good). Plus, she’s giving us some tarot insights about love and relationships!

Love Star Psychic. Psychic tarot reader. Love & Career readings. Dream analysis. Soulmate & twin flame expert. 15+ years of experience.
Connect with Love Star Psychic now.
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