Mother Nature comes alive in the summer. Everything is lush and in full bloom and every kind of creature abounds. Vibrant flora and fauna are all around us, whether we’re spending our summer on the dock of a lake, at the beach, or in our own backyard. These signs of summer bring good vibes — and they have throughout history.
Here are some lucky omens to look out for this summer:
Bees have been held in high regard among many ancient cultures as a symbol of wisdom, love, fidelity, industry and prosperity. Yet, it’s easy to be scared of bees—no one wants to be stung! But some of them just get a bad reputation. The honey bee, for instance, won’t sting for no reason. Keep still if a honey bee lands on you, specifically if it lands on your hand, that means money is on the way.
Charms shaped like honey bees are said to attract wealth, especially those made of gold. If a bee flies in your window, try not be alarmed. It may bring good luck or indicate a stranger is going to visit. Just be sure to leave the window open so it can leave on its own. Forcing the bee out or killing it will cause the good luck to vanish.
Crickets represent good luck in many cultures around the world. The presence of these insects is said to bring fortune, longevity, and protection. The cricket has been a symbol of luck in China for at least 2000 years. People kept them in cages to enjoy their songs throughout the night. It’s said that some used them as an alarm system—if the crickets chirping ceased, danger was near.
In some European countries, crickets represent wealth and it’s said that wearing a cricket charm can bring fortune your way. In the American South, crickets are often called “Old Folks” for their propensity to sit fireside. They say a chirping cricket in the house brings good luck. If the crickets are especially loud, expect rain.
These cute white and yellow sun-loving flowers are popular in many summer gardens. You may remember plucking off those petals as a child while chanting “loves me, loves me not”, waiting for the final petal to reveal the answer. Many superstitions surround daisies. Plant daisies by the front door to keep unwanted visitors away. Keep a daisy flower under a corner of your mattress toattract a faithful lover to your bed. Some believe that sleeping with a daisy root under the pillow can bring back a lost love, others say it will bring a dream of your future love.
Ancient cultures saw the frog as a sign of fertility and good fortune. Ancient Egyptians worshipped Heget, goddess of childbirth, who had the head of a frog. They referred to midwives as “Servants of Heget” and women sported frog amulets to promote a safe and easy delivery.
Frogs have also been known to symbolize friendship, true love, wealth and abundance. A frog charm is said to protect travelers on a journey, attract lasting love, and bring good luck to a gambler. Frogs have long been regarded as the bringers of rain and, thus, bringers of a good harvest and prosperity. An Appalachian superstition says a frog croaking exactly at midnight signals rain. The Maori say killing a frog will cause heavy rains and even flooding while some African tribes believe it will bring drought—but all agree killing a frog is a bad move.
These little red and black beetles symbolize luck among many cultures. Ladybugs symbolize good weather, love, and financial success. One European legend says that farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary after their crops were destroyed by aphids. The ladybugs soon appeared to eat the aphids. The farmer’s called the lucky bugs ‘Our Lady’s beetles’, which later became ‘ladybugs’.
If a ladybug lands on you and you let it stay, expect good luck and maybe even money. If you can count the number of spots on its back, that’s how many months the good fortune will stick around. Be sure to never kill a ladybug or bad luck is on the way!
Superstition surrounds this eight-legged arachnid. Don’t be afraid of cobwebs, they’re a sign of good luck and may even mean you’ll meet someone new. In Ancient China, many believed that seeing a spider drop down from its web was especially fortunate. According to European folklore, seeing a spider in your house in the morning is bad luck, but it’s good luck in the afternoon, especially if the spider’s head is facing you. Whatever time of day it is, just don’t step on the spider—it’ll bring bad luck and maybe even a downpour of rain.
Some believe that the appearance of a spider foretells money coming your way—and the bigger the spider, the bigger the fortune!