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Advisor Questions & Answers | The Sun

Advisor Questions & Answers | The Sun

For some, spiritualism is the family business. 

Just ask Alexis (aka The Sun), who comes from six generations of psychics and tarot readers. Like his grandmother before him, Alexis makes a living using psychic and spiritual gifts to help others. 

As The Sun, he uses a tarot deck inherited from his grandmother to build a psychic connection and answer questions about any topic, though most customers come seeking love advice.

As Alexis, he reads more than just tarot and likes staying up-to-date on current events. He also likes meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature. 

“I really like to have a really deep and direct contact with nature. I like to take a walk and get surrounded by nature and the powerful natural energy. It’s very useful and helpful for the body”

How did you develop your skills?

“Everything started when I was very, very young thanks to my grandma, Catherine, a very famous medium here in Athens, Greece,” says Alexis, adding that his grandmother could also see visions of the future weeks and months in advance. 

While Alexis inherited some skills, he channels his abilities differently. “Some of her gifts and powers she shared with me. I am not a medium, I am a tarot reader, I use the cards as my main tool and to get my answers.”

What’s your favorite thing about your work?

“Every day you face a lot of people and the questions they are asking you are always different so there’s brand new energy all the time.”

How do you build a spiritual connection with your clients?

“During a private tarot reading, it is always important and very necessary to have a very good energy,” explains Alexis. “This is very important because if you are feeling stressed, you are nervous or you get some kind of anxiety aspect that is very, very bad.”

Clear, positive energy helps Alexis get a direct connection with his tarot deck so he asks his clients to relax before he begins. He also burns incense and uses specific crystals to harness positive energy.

What’s the best way to prepare for a reading?

“What I really suggest for a private tarot reading, is that you must focus on a specific question. If you give a very specific question, you will receive a very specific answer.“

Alexis suggests relaxing, taking some deep breaths, and trying to clear your mind of everything but your question. 

What do you predict for the rest of the year?

Alexis asked the tarot what lies ahead for the coming months. He sees bad energy persisting through the rest of 2021 but anticipates a turnaround in 2022.

“I am very positive that in the next coming months, the situation, little by little, will improve,” he says. “We must be very patient and we must wait for the new year. Starting from February to April, I see a new beginning.”

Treat yourself to a tarot reading with The Sun today 🌞