How do you feel about February 14th? Does this holiday of love find you experiencing a mix of emotions? Perhaps it evokes anxious memories of your childhood classroom when Valentine’s cards were handed out and you were never quiet sure if you received as many as your young and possibly more popular peers.
Maybe it’s your favorite holiday of the year because you’re blissfully partnered with your soulmate or twin flame. Or maybe, like many of us, you’re a big old chocolate candy melting pot of conflicting emotions: ambivalence, irritation, fear, yearning, annoyance, dread, longing, or depression.
No matter where you fall on the sweetheart spectrum, here are a dozen ways to embrace and celebrate the spirit of the day and possibly discover love where and when you least expect it.
1) Treat everyone as a potential partner until proven otherwise.
Ask a million happy couples if they expected to meet their partner on the day they met, and you’ll probably hear “Never!” 99 percent of the time. Go into each encounter with every person life puts on your path with an open mind and a flexible heart. Think how many couples you know who started out as friends – or even enemies! Smile at strangers, be helpful and courteous in public, and remember that the person you let cut in front of you in the checkout line might just be “The One”.
2) Fan the flames of your existing love relationship.
If you’re blessed to be part of a devoted and loving couple, dedicate February 14th to doing everything in your power to keep your love alive and thriving. It’s so easy to get lost in the day-to-day drudgery and minutia of commitments, schedules, and responsibilities that we stop putting energy into the very thing that sustains us. Find creative ways to express your gratitude to your lover so they are left with no doubt about how much they mean to you when the day is over.
3) Suit up and show up -- solo
If you’re looking for love, dress up in your most attractive ensemble and put yourself out there, right in the thick of a situation that might feel a wee bit intimidating. Rather than hanging out at the dance club or local bar with the usual group of pals, challenge yourself to go somewhere brand new all alone. Set a goal for yourself: “Tonight I will introduce myself to five people I don’t know.” Even if you don’t meet The One, you’ll probably end the night with at least one new friend.
4) Take yourself on an all-day date.
It’s a day for love, right? Who is more deserving of your love than your own sweet self? Luxuriate in the glow of a day full of pampering, whatever that looks like to you. It might be popcorn, Netflix, and your grungy old sweats on the couch, or maybe it’s a four-handed hot stone massage followed by a facial and mani-pedi. Order pizza or Chinese food delivery in, or go out for a decadent four-course food and wine-pairing extravaganza at a tony restaurant.
5) Get clear about what you really want in a mate.
If you’ve already got the vision board or the intention list of the partner you seek, use Valentine’s Day to revise and freshen it. If you don’t have a clear, documented wish list of the relationship of your dreams, create it. Use this day to think, write, dream, meditate, or vision quest about the kind of partnership you want. Treat yourself to a psychic reading, or do your own tarot spread. Be sure that you concertize your vision in some way, whether it’s putting words on paper or on your computer or using another artistic medium like painting, clay, or weaving. Focus on the positive things you have to offer a partner, and feel the emotions of joy and fulfillment, acting as if your dream has already come true. This manifestation principle helps you bring your intention closer to actualizing in your physical reality.
6) Color the day green, not pink.
Turn Valentine's Day into an eco-friendly celebration by making the planet your sweetheart. Pick up roadside trash in your neighborhood, plant a tree, hang bird feeders in your yard, or organize an office carpool. When you think of all of the paper products consumed on Valentine’s Day, it’s easy to come up with a more Earth-friendly, sustainable way to celebrate that honors our life-giving planet.
7) Sing “My furry Valentine.”
Nothing says your sweetheart has to be a two-legged one. If your cat or your dog is your best friend, spend the day celebrating them. Buy a new toy, or serve your pet her favorite food or treat. Cuddle on the couch extra long, and spend some quality time in play and lighthearted bonding with the four-legged love of your life.
8) Pay it forward.
If you’re not partnered up, doing something for others can lift your spirits like nothing else. If you are in a relationship, sharing the joy you’ve found together with others can increase it tenfold. Commemorate the day of love by volunteering with an organization or a local cause that calls to your heart. Read to seniors at an assisted living facility. Sort through donations at a domestic violence thrift store. Do something kind and generous for a stranger anonymously. Not only will you feel good and lighten another person’s load, you just might bump into someone else doing good and discover a shared spark!
9) Love on your family.
If you’ve got nieces and nephews, bake Valentine’s cookies or create handmade cards with them. Reach out to your parents, grandparents, and siblings to let them know you’re thinking of them with love and gratitude on Feb. 14th. Let the important people in your life, who will always be in your life as a source of unconditional love, know how much you value them.
10) Indulge in some puppy love.
Head on over to your local animal rescue group, and volunteer to walk the dogs. Even if you spend just two hours volunteering, that could be the first time in days that a dog gets outside to stretch, sniff, and shake off the shelter blues. Many rescue groups are overburdened and short-handed, so donating some free time to groom and socialize abandoned cats and exercise surrendered dogs makes such a difference.
11) Trust cupid’s timing over your own.
In this era of instant gratification and everything on command, it’s easy to think that just because we want something, it should show up for us NOW. Manifestation takes time to work out on the physical plane once you’ve seeded your intentions and put strong emotions behind them. Although 3-D reality often moves far more slowly than we think it should, try to remember that “what you are seeking is seeking you” and that the Universe’s wise sense of timing is usually better than ours. Remember that “you can’t hurry love” and think of all the times in which you did not get what you wanted and it turned out to be the best thing that never happened to you!
12) Celebrate your singlehood.
Sit right down and make a list of the top 20 reasons you’re happy you’re single. Then buy yourself a gorgeous bouquet of fresh flowers for your bedside, and perhaps even a ring or a piece of jewelry you’ve had your eye on. Pledge to love, honor, and support yourself for the rest of your life, and take this vow seriously. It’s cliché for a reason: You can’t ever truly love another human being fully and well until you can do the same for yourself.
Lastly, if you find that you’re one of the many people on Earth who actually prefers the sound of silence to conversation, and you rejoice in the solitary company of your own thoughts and rich inner world, celebrate and give thanks for that, too!
No matter where you fall on the sweetheart spectrum this Valentine’s Day, a psychic advisor can help you find clarity and guide your journey. Our advisors understand the essential relationship between the present and the future and can help you find the next step on your love and relationship path. Having a trusted spiritual partner in your corner can help you transform your life as you become a stronger and more positive, loving and loved, version of yourself.