We've all seen in movies or cartoons how it works: you walk through a dark and dubious neighborhood where a mysterious woman lures you into a tent or her house. She looks at your palm a little, then predicts you’ll win the lottery, find the love of your life, and face a great misfortune...like emptying the money out of your pockets to find out more details.
In reality, palmistry does not work exactly like that.
Palm reading has been used since the Stone Age to predict the future. Humans have always wanted to know themselves and what the future holds. For this reason, we looked for answers in a palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy (from the Greek words "cheir", which means "hand", and "mantle", meaning prediction).
Open your palm and you’ll see the lines, shapes and details that lie in your hand. To understand what it all means requires studying a vast, deep symbolism. Let’s look at some basics to this ancient divination method.

The palms can be classified into square and long. To figure out what type you’re looking at, visualize the palm without fingers. People with a square palm tend to be talented, hardworking, energetic, physically resilient, and realistic, with their feet on the ground. If the palm is long, that person is likely to be dreamy with a rich imagination but difficulty expressing ideas.
Hands can also be classified as elementary, practical or conical (or a combination of them). Elementary hands have slightly rougher skin, sometimes with hair, and few lines (most often only the three main ones). Practical hands are usually longer with well-defined fingers, smoother skin, and the palm has more lines. Conical hands are more graceful and the fingers are long.
After the shape of the hand and fingers has been observed and some information has been extracted from here, the person reading the palm will move to the lines in the palm. It is believed that people with fewer lines lead an easier life, while people with hundreds of thin lines have more worries. If you notice a small stain or spot on someone's palm, it is thought to be an obstacle. If the marks are repeated, it is a problem that the person often faces.
We then come to the three main lines: the heart line, the head line and the life line.
The heart line is closest to the fingers. It passes along the palm, usually starting between the index and middle finger and reaching the side of the palm. There is the physical line of the heart and the mental one. The first will be more curved towards the fingers, while the second is not curved.
The heart line will not say that in exactly two months you’ll meet your soulmate, but it does indicate how you enter into a relationship with those around you. In the case of people with a physical heart line, they are emotionally resilient, affectionate and easily express feelings.
Those who have an un-curved mental line usually find it difficult to reveal their feelings. They are very sensitive, introverted and need space around them.
The second is the head line. It starts somewhere between the thumb and forefinger and crosses the palm. Sometimes it reaches the other side of the palm, but usually ends somewhere in the middle. This line represents the quality of a person's thinking, their intellect.
If the line is straight, it is a practical line and is found on the palms of people with their feet on the ground, who have practical thinking. If the line has a prominent curve, it is an imaginative line, representative of people who approach life's problems with imagination and creativity.
Last, but not least, we have the life line. It circles, or semi-circles, the base of the thumb. In general, if your line covers a larger area of your palm, it means that you are an alert person, emitting energy. If the semicircle is as close as possible to the base of the finger, then you are lethargic and apathetic.
Sometimes the line of life is "broken" at some point. This means an important change in your life, a turning point in which you have radically changed your perception of life.

Next, let’s look at the lines of worry, the line of destiny and the secondary lines.
The lines of worry are at the base of the thumb and go to the line of life, sometimes crossing it. In general, people who do not have such lines have a carefree life. Those who have tens or hundreds of small lines are always worried, even for no serious reason. If the lines of concern cross the line of life, there have been or may be health concerns.
The line of destiny passes through the middle of the palm, from the wrist to the fingers. Not all people have it. Usually, it is believed that its presence indicates that the person in question will always have to make efforts to achieve their goals. Its absence means the person will not make efforts, but will "drift".
There are also secondary lines: the liver line and the sun line. The first of these, the liver line, usually starts from the inside of the life line to the heart line and represents your general state of health. If you do not have this line, it means that you are in very good health and your life will be long. Its presence does not necessarily mean that you will get sick, but that you generally have health problems, like always catching a cold in the winter.
The line of the sun is parallel to the line of destiny and is related to your career. If it is strong and spreads over the whole palm, it means that your professional life will always be good. If it's very short, you may not manage to be lucky in your career, even though you started right.
When a person extends their palm to be read, there are some who will keep their fingers together and others who spread them apart. In the first case, it is a cautious and shy person. In the second, a confident and open person.
Fingertips are considered square, spatulate or conical. People with square tips are practical, attentive and orderly. People with spatula tips are practical and inventive. Those with conical tips are sociable, sensitive and have an idealistic thinking.
After noticing all this, the fortune teller will look at the thumb. It is believed that the higher it is, the greater the success you will have throughout your life. In general, if this finger is very big, you are an intelligent person who has a strong will. If it is short, you have a weak will and you can be stubborn for no reason.
The palmist will look at the wrists, which can be fine or gnarled. The former indicate a person who listens to their intuition. A gnarled wrist belongs to a person who analyzes a situation a lot before acting.
This just covers the basics of palm reading. It takes years of study and practice to master the method but it’s fun to try and interpret your own hand. Of course, there’s no substitute for a professional, personalized palm reading. I’ve used palmistry to guide clients seeking love, a better career, emotional healing, family issues, and so much more.
Sarah comes from a family of fortune tellers, from whom she inherited divine gifts and a deep esoteric knowledge. A skilled tarot reader by age 15, she’s been developing her abilities for 20 years to offer guidance, healing and hope to her clients. Through tarot, palmistry, or astrology, Sarah is dedicated to using her skills to help others solve their problems and realize the life of their dreams.