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I am a 3rd generation psychic intuitive born of Native American ancestry from Taos, New Mexico.  I've been guided by spiritual mentors within my family since early childhood.  I was given my first Tarot deck & Astrology literature before the age of 10.  I experienced a profound awakening in my early 20s which led me on a 13-year inspiring journey around the world traveling with my gifts, offering freely for years before devoting myself to this path as my life's work.

Throughout my travels, I've sought to enhance my natural clairvoyant abilities through a series of cosmically aligned events that seemed to unfold effortlessly, as if designed by *God*.  I played with my intuition, experimenting without expectation but with pure faith, taking extreme risks, following every guided impulse.  I was lead to realize one very important truth about life, that:

                                 *+ With Great Risk Comes Great Reward +*

I've witnessed miracles, magick, pure love, paranormal activity, otherworldly entities, cosmic signs and "strange" occurrences in my journey.. and witnessed sadness, suffering, trauma, and darkness beyond common belief.  

I've sailed the Atlantic ocean, toured ancient civilizations of lands in Greece, Turkey, and Egypt; walked on hot coals inside an inactive volcano in Canary Islands, been blessed by holy hands in Bali, caravanned through the Sahara desert in Morocco, trained with Yogis in India, trekked around isolated islands in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas, and danced wildly throughout hidden corners of mystery on nearly every continent on earth.

In 2019, my father passed into the spirit world, and my whole "reality" began to shift. I was told by a trusted medium that my connection with the *other side* would become undeniably stronger.  I began receiving clear communication signals from spirits, ancestral guides, and energies around me. My path as a healer began to unveil with rapid acceleration towards my present position, which is ever-evolving.  

Evolution is nature experienced through cycles of creation.  Each cycle is, at least, a little different than the past. Everything in nature has and will change, always. It is the only constant aspect in life.  Our ability to be adaptable and to ride these waves of changing elements around us is key to discovering new heights of our precious human experience.  

My personal evolution led me from seasonally living in California, in between international travels, to the east coast of the United States.  I now reside in New York City, one of the largest cities in the world, saturated with varying energies and people from around the world.  I am dedicated to my path as a spiritual leader, continuously learning and growing; forever a humble student of life.

In addition to psychic work, I also instruct Yoga, create art, and facilitate sound healing, meditation groups, and retreats.  I feel incredible purpose in assisting to guide people towards realizing their truest selves, and most desired futures.  My regular clients have returned to me again and again, expressing gratitude for the transformations they've experienced, and I've had the pleasure of witnessing.  

It is one of my greatest joys in life to see clients feeling empowered in their journeys, growing beyond their old limitations and accessing higher states of awareness, welcoming all of the many blessings that come with following the soul's truest journey.


  My insights are first and foremost intuitive; affirmed and enhanced with divining tools and mystical systems involving: Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Pendulum, Runes, Aura Scanning, Trauma Clearing, Affirmations, and more. I use what I feel applies to each individual's situation. My goal is always to meet clients where they are at first, and then to clear the path forward for the highest levels of transformation.  Each session is designed in the moment, based on what I feel is most appropriate for the next level of awareness.

I am able to tune in quickly to yours and anyone else's energy around you, near or far, for clear insights into thoughts, feelings, and intentions.  I specialize in reading relationships and life path progression.  I give guidance to those who request it.  And to those who prefer strictly insights and predictions, I am available to share what I see.

You are welcome to come to me with any questions within the realm of potential for readings on this site.  It will be my pleasure to explore areas of your life that you feel unclear about. Readings can help to provide perspective that you naturally may not see by your mind's own figuring and by the advice that you receive from friends and family.  I will go as deeply as you are willing and wanting to go.  I will meet you where you are, and together we will explore possibilities, hopes, fears, and clarity about important matters.

The future is not set in stone, it is always evolving as external energies are constantly changing and influencing situations. Regular readings help to navigate the changes, with clear focus towards ideal goals, as new information comes through every time.  Clients who benefit most from sessions are those who are open to messages as they come, and who acknowledge their powerful influence in their own destiny.  

As a reader, I am not one who provides finite answers nor solutions to life. I am simply here as a channel of communication between you and Source energy.  I offer tools and insights to help those who are willing to use them wisely.  You alone hold the key to your transformation.  Development of your natural intuition will guide you towards your best path forward, more than any words from an outside source.  Trust your own intuition, above all.  You will feel internally, what your intuition tells you, based on how your body responds to the messages received.

I feel that one of my greatest purposes in this lifetime is to inspire people to realize their own power through divine realization of self.  Each and every one of us are born with unique gifts and interpretations of life through individual perspective. Together we are participating in the ever-creative manifestation of one divine consciousness.   I wholeheartedly believe that when we are living in truth, we are living in love.  When we are living in love, we are aligned with our purpose, and each person's purpose is ultimately aiding to lift one another up to our most ascending and divine spiritual path forward.




Feb 7, 2025
Feb 1, 2025
ran out of time! but great as always !
Feb 1, 2025
Feb 1, 2025
Jan 30, 2025
lovely and great reading! highly recommend thank you ❤️
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